
The Signs of a Stroke

Strokes are among the most serious and life-threatening injuries and diseases that can affect the brain. They happen when the blood supply to the brain is cut off suddenly, and the brain is deprived of oxygen. This leads to a lack of oxygen to the brain c..


How Do You Recognize a Heart Attack?

Imagine if you could feel pain in your chest. You may have heard a third type of pain, the kind we feel when our heart is not beating properly. The pain is called a heart attack, and it is a very real danger. It happens when your heart suddenly stops beat..


How To Provide First Aid for Heat Stroke

A lot of people get sick, and they recover again. But some people get sick, and they become like zombies. Even if some people recover, stroke is one of the deadly things that can happen to a person. Heat stroke occurs when the body is unable to cool itsel..

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